Nordic GEM is pleased to appoint Maria Almerud as Chief Commercial and Sustainability Officer as it continues to embrace and grow its support to clients across the region as well as building on its sustainability strategy.
A managing director holds a vital position in the board, steering the company toward prosperity. The role involves critical decision-making, setting the organisational tone, and ensures overall compliance with local regulations. Read more about the managing directors responsibilities.
When delving into the world of corporate governance and financial regulations, you may come across the term UBO. In this text we are going to explain the meaning behind the term and discuss its importance in the financial landscape. Read more.
Navigating the complex financial landscape, with its ever-evolving requirements and regulations can sometimes be challenging, especially on an international basis. In this article, we will explain the meaning behind CRS and deep dive into its importance in today's financial landscape.
When it comes to establishing and registering a company abroad, the varied local requirements and regulations can add multiple layers of complexity. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to register a business.