Today we want to celebrate the registration of our wonderful trademark with the EUIPO – European Union Intellectual Property Office!
EUIPO trademark registration and what it means
The European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) is an agency of the European Union responsible for managing the registration of trademarks and designs across all member states. Registering a trademark with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) grants protection for our brand across all EU member states.
In short, Nordic GEM trademark registration with EUIPO means:
- No new legal person can be registered in any EU member country with our name
- No existing legal person based in the EU can change their name to Nordic GEM
- The trademark protection lasts for 10 years after which it can be renewed
Many start-ups forget to register their brand from the get-go and it’s more common than you could imagine among larger companies as well.
If you haven’t registered your trademark yet, check:
How to register a trademark in the Nordics
If you are thinking of expanding your business to the Nordic region, it will presuppose registering your company name and logo. Nordic GEM can help you to perform searches in Swedish and Finnish trademark registers as well as in trademark registers in Denmark and Norway.
We assist you with seamless trademark registration and renewal to protect your business from unauthorized reproduction and deceptive products, allowing you to pursue legal remedies to uphold your rights.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions regarding establishing a legal entity and trademark registration in the Nordics!